L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP
L6 HEAD ver.JP

L6 HEAD ver.JP

The latest 5-axis CNC machining process has insured combustion chamber molding with no volume error between each cylinder. In addition, there is no need for argon welding, shaping, or excessive surface grinding to reduce the combustion chamber volume, so there is no need to worry about heat distortion or any other reduction in the head body strength. Two types of seat rings are available: a special heat-resistant steel for durability and a beryllium copper alloy for performance.

Optimized port and combustion chamber design for incomparable performance achieved

L6 HEAD is based on the genuine L28 head, and by considering problems such as penetrating the water jacket when expanding the port from the design stage, it has a sufficient wall thickness margin even for a maximum port inner diameter of 41mm. It is guaranteed and can be used with confidence for further customization.

  • S30
  • Machining
  • Port design

    The ideal port diameters and shapes are newly designed by making full use of a flow tester. Compared to the stock ports, the intake and exhaust efficiency is overwhelmingly higher. Also, even with the greatly enlarged port bore diameter, there is no need to worry about the water jacket penetration problems due to sufficient wall thickness margin.

    Port design
  • Combustion chamber design

    The ideal shape and volume are created from the initial design stage without the need for argon welding, etc., which is required to achieve a high compression ratio. Therefore, the head body does not suffer from strength degradation due to excessive surface grinding or thermal distortion.

    Combustion chamber design
  • Water jacket design

    The latest analysis has discovered the ideal water jacket design by using cores formed by a sand mold 3D printer. The use of cores molded by a 3D printer eliminates the occurrence of water channel formation defects caused by mold misalignment and other problems. This enables efficient and uniform cooling between each cylinder.

    Water jacket design
  • Up-rated support rigidity
    for seat ring

    By securing the wall thickness margin from the seat ring press-fit groove to the water jacket, support rigidity is improved and the risk of ring dropout, etc., is greatly reduced.

    Up-rated support rigidity for seat ring

L6 HEAD ver.JP